Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day Ten

So already at Day Ten and on the whole, it has not been too hard so far! I shouldn’t probably say this out loud and jinx it!!

As I mentioned a few das ago, in October and November, I was eating really well, had lost 5kg and was feeling really good. I was following many of the same principals as I am on this challenge but was eating very few grains and very low sugar. I was first inspired my this way of eating by a lovely nutritionist I had worked with earlier in the year and I went on to read loads for information on this style of eating, everything around the Weston A Price philosophy to all things primal and paleo. In October I went on a weekend retreat, where the food followed this way of eating and then I also went to see Nora Gedgaudas speak at a conference in Sydney and thoroughly enjoyed that too.

Then in December I moved house and got out of the routine, started including too many grain and sugar based foods and before I knew it I was back to comfort eating i.e. eating huge amounts of carb loaded food in huge binges. As hard as I tried to get back on track, I still found myself turning to major binges every few days. Eventually, with the help of the lovely Anthia, I started this challenge. It is meant to be a way to fire me up, get me back on track, and even if I couldn't make it back to where I had been, at least cut the processed food. I am ‘allowed’ some grains, high sugar fruits and more starchy vegetables and it is making it easier for me and I feel less deprived.

I was out for the Sydney Festival last night, seeing the beautiful Beth Orton so grabbed a quick bite to eat in the city. I thought it was best option on the menu but it did contain a few noodles. As the dish was so small I knew I’d need them to get me through the evening so I ate them. As it turned out, I was hungry within 2 hours of finishing it anyway.

Breakfast – Pancakes made with almond meal and full cream milk and cooked in coconut oil served with lemon juice

Snack – Coffee

Lunch – Onion, mushroom and parmesan omelette

Dinner – Thai beef salad, glass of red wine

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